...and the rich get richer.....
Published on November 8, 2003 By hippygrl In Misc
OK......firstly.....no need for any FBI type dudes to come knocking on my door (seriously!). I think this country is f*cked. I voted in the local election...I ALWAYS vote...does it help (other than giving me the right to complain)? I don't think so....it's all bull crap....worse in the major elections....candidates telling me things to get themselves elected, instead of what they truly mean....lip service....alllll lip service...take the Democratic debate (that "rock the vote" thing on CNN).....most candidates visibly thinking, "OOOO, what's the POPULAR/COOL answer" instead of an honest answer....I used to think Al Sharpton was an asshole (that Tawana Brawley thing)....but he seemed like one of the only semi-honest one's up there....but u can forget that.....there ain't gonna' be a black president anytime soon...either way....u could elect Jesus and his desciples,(no blasphemy intended) but when "Big business/oil say jump, they better say "how high".....and if America isn't totally in the shitter before GW gets out of there, it isn't gonna' be long. There are too many problems to list and I'm a 3 fingered typist so fill in the blanks.....you have homeless in the streets, middle-class working people standing in bread lines, old ladies cutting their heart pills in half to make them last, and baseball/football/basketball players/movie/rock stars and Jerry Springer making millions and millions and millions of dollars...and if they all fell off the face of the earth tomorrow (sorry, Jer), would u really give a flying f*ck? I mean...if they brought Derek Jeter's (ex.) grandma into the ER with CPR in progress......I am the dedicated one sticking a needle in her femoral artery trying to obtain a blood gas, so a good batting average at that point really doesn't matter much....but if all the lab techs/nurses/docs/garbage men/telephone operators/stock boys fell off the face of the Earth tomorrow.....time would stand still...where are the priorities in this country and why isn't this country taking care of it's own people??? Someone has to have a better idea** than the status-quo-politics-as-usual thing....and it's NOT me (that would require a genius).....so PLEASE, isn't there someone out there???? The rest of the world gives this country about 20 more years...what do YOU think?
on Nov 30, 2003
Me thinks a quick look at American history would quickly bring you up to speed that relatively speaking, things are going pretty well in the United States.

I've yet to figure out why some people have such a problem with GW Bush. It just sounds like crazy talk.

I am not sure what you mean by "taking care of its own" Do you have any idea how many billions were spent last year helping other Americans?

In addition, you really need to get out more. Middle class people standing in bread lines? Where?

Have you actually ever talked to a homeless person? I've met plenty of homeless people in my travels and nearly ALL of them are either a) mentally retarded or addicted to drugs. What magic do you expect the government to wave on these people?

People who can't afford heart medication in my experience are the result of not having priorites. I saw you defending some woman today claiming she was living "below poverty" as she complained about it ON THE INTERNET FROM HER OWN COMPUTER.